Thursday 12 December 2013

Input / Output Architecture

Input / Output Architecture

General  defination :
Any information or data that's entered or sent to the computer  to be processed is considered input and anything that is displayed from the computer is output.

Input :

 An input device is any hardware device that sends data to the computer, without any input devices, a computer would only be a display device and not allow users to interact with it, much like a TV.

by : wan nur ulaiya

  • Scanner
  • Webcam
  • Digital Camera
  • Mouse ,touchpad or pointing device
  • Keyboard
  • Gamepad, Joystick,Paddle,Steering wheel


Output :

 Any peripheral that receives or displays output from a computer.

  • Monitor
  • 3D printer
  • Headphones
  • Speakers
  • Projectors
  • Plotters

 Keep in mind that drives such as a CD-ROMDVD, and a Floppy diskette drive may be capable of sending the computer information, but they are not output devices. These devices are considered storage devices.

Sound Output

Computers also produce sound output, ranging from simple beeps alerting the user, to impressive game sound effects, to concert quality music. High quality audio output from a PC usually requires a sound card in one of the expansion slots, connected to a set of good quality external speakers or headphones.
 A sound card is an example of a multimedia output device (as is a monitor that can display graphics).

      Explain I/O module and its usage?
Input-output interface provides a method for transferring information be­tween internal storage 
and external I/O devices.Peripherals connected to a computer need special communication links
 for interfacing them with the central processing unit.

                                            Purpose communication link : 

 to resolve the differences that exist between the central computer and each peripheral.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     by : nor izzati

1.  Peripherals are electromechanical and electromagnetic devices and their manner of operation is 
     different from the operation of the CPU and memory, which are electronic devices. Therefore, 
     a conversion of signal values may be required.

2.  The data transfer rate of peripherals is usually slower than the transfer rate of the CPU, 
     and consequently a synchronization
     mechanism may be needed.

3.  Data codes and formats in peripherals differ from the word format in the CPU and memory.

4. The operating modes of peripherals are different from each other and each must be controlled so as 
    not to disturb the operation of other peripherals connected to the CPU.

•         Interface to CPU and Memory
•       Interface to one or more peripheral

•            Control & Timing
•         CPU Communication
•         Device Communication
•         Data Buffering
•         Error Detection

·         Check status device
·         Tells status
·         Request for data transfer
·         Gather & transfer data to CPU

·         Command decoding
·         Exchange data ( Module to  CPU)

·         Report status
·         Address recogniction for device attach

·             Command
·         Status information
·         Transfer data

·         To overcome speed mismatch

·         Paper jam / Bad data / Damage data & etc.

by : siti hajar

•         CPU checks I/O module device status

•         I/O module returns status
•         If ready, CPU requests data transfer
•         I/O module gets data from device
•         I/O module transfers data to CPU
•         Variations for output, DMA, etc.


•          Hide or reveal device properties to CPU
•         Support multiple or single device
•         Control device functions or leave for CPU
•         Also O/S decisions
e.g. Unix treats everything it can as a file

•           Programmed
•         Interrupt driven
•         Direct Memory Access (DMA)

  • – Behavior: input, output, storage
  • – Partner: human or machine
  • – Data rate: bytes/sec, transfers/sec
  •  I/O bus connection may become the bottleneck.

***I/O may become a bottleneck, especially with fast CPUs.
***Example: increase CPU speed by 10 and double I/O speed.

Dependability is important
Particularly for storage devices

Performance measures
Latency (response time)
– Throughput (bandwidth)
– Desktops & embedded systems

Mainly interested in response time & diversity of devices
– Servers

Mainly interested in throughput & expandability of devices

Need interconnections between:

◦CPU, memory, I/O controllers

Bus :   Shared communication channel

Bus is simply a common set of wires that connect all the computer devices and chips together.
Some of these wires are used to transmit data. Some send housekeeping signals, like the clock pulse.
Some transmit a number (the "address") that identifies a particular device or memory location. 
The computer chips watch the address wires and respond when their identifying number is transmitted.
They then transfer data on the other wires.

#caution : But bus is limited to wire lenght, no of connection.

Bus Types : ** Processor -Memory buses
                  ** I/O buses

by : siti nazirah

  • Data lines -carry address & data
  • Control lines - indicate data type & transaction
  • Synchronous - use bus clock & fixed protocol
  • Asynchronous - use request , solve clock and synchronization prob 

Polling and interrupt-driven I/O

◦CPU transfers data between memory and I/O data registers
◦Time consuming for high-speed devices

Direct memory access (DMA)

OS provides starting address in memory
◦I/O controller transfers to/from memory autonomously
◦Controller interrupts on completion or error

***DMA controllers are standard components in PCs


◦In band signaling
◦Bit oriented
◦Bit/byte word translation


◦Byte word oriented
◦Out of band signaling

                          I/O  vs. CPU Performance

Amdahl’s Law

◦Don’t neglect I/O performance as parallelism increases compute performance

#Example ~~

◦Benchmark takes 90s CPU time, 10s I/O time
◦Double the number of CPUs/2 years
 **I/O unchanged

Applications are increasingly run on servers

◦Web search, office apps, virtual worlds

Requires large data center servers

◦Multiple processors, networks connections, massive storage
◦Space and power constraints

Server equipment built for 19” racks
◦Multiples of 1.75” (1U) high

example ; - )

by : robael adawiyah

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